The meaning of dreaming of worms is usually not particularly good, quite the opposite. It is directly linked to how some feelings negativity shape how we see the world, weakness, degradation of being …
It’s easy to dream about this animal when for some reason you lost self-esteem, self-confidence. You may have “made a fool” or you have damaged emotionally.
It is almost always related to love or work.
One of the most typical dreams in which they appear is when worms or earthworms are crawling through your body. If you’ve dreamed of this, it means you think someone is taking advantage of you, your good work.
It doesn’t always have a negative meaning, it all depends on its surroundings. Sometimes symbolizes all those little things that benefit you in one way or another.
If you dream of a particularly slimy worm, refers to the need to renew you, drive you find in life.
In some cases, it may even be a good omen. For example, if you dream of silkworms, means you’re going to see involved in a profitable business. You’ll have the opportunity to win big money.
When a young girl dreams of worms on your body is because it has the feeling that all his aspirations in life have only target material.
You have dreamed of worms or earthworms and want to know what it means? Explain to sleep with everything that you remember and help you decipher its meaning.
I dreamt of earthworms coming out of my stomach. Long dark healthy earthworms. I was pulling them out of my stomach they were like 12 inches long, when 1 comes out another one comes out again about 3-6 worms i was able to pull out in my dream and i feel that they sip my blood everytime i pull them away.
i was sitting ib a restraunt with my friends and eating some curry with beans there and while talking and eating i saw one worm coming out of my curry i went to complain and the guy came and we saw so many slimy and colourful worms coming out then he threw the curry and it accidently fell on the restraunt floor and worms were everywhere on the floor floating in curry then when washed the floor with water worms were floting with water and as i am really compassionate. i ddnt want to kill any of them so i was taking my footsteps slowly so that i don crush these creatures that i what i remember
I dreamt that there were dead worms in my pantie after making love with my boyfriend .
Maybe you have a hidden feeling of uncleanest and you should ask for him to check for disease and you might do the same. Does he have a history of cheating or you suspect cheating. You may feel if you continue your relationship with him you are exposing yourself( private parts )to deception .
I dreamt that there’s a lot of earthworms on body and I tried to take them away but everytime i do try, there’s a lot more coming and it won’t stop from coming, small and big earthworms. I don’t know where it is coming from…
I went to my friend house and used her bathroom and there were worms everywhere . We was trying to put them in the garbage .
I dream alot of worms on all body, and mouth i’m trying to remove it bit i cant remove the big one on may mouth even i remove other on may body steel so many
I was shooting worms at other people out of a gun I had made.
I wonder what mean i had green worm coming out of my skin one by one, sometime long and slim, sometime short and slim, they was going out gently very wet and dirty, i can’t figure out whats tthe meaning please
I dreamed I was watching shakespears romeo and juliet live and having dinner. Then I noticed a worm in my meat. It took me a second to find it because it kept moving. But when I did finally catch it with my fork it was long and kept growing.
I removed my clothes all of it because I will take a bath then I go back I saw my panty have 2 worms the other one is coming to me and when it stand it’s so long and when it’s near to me I grab the neck and kill it.. I tell to my mom while crying and I heard it’s like because of witch?that’s the time I wake up…
I dreamed that while I was sitting, in some sort of a classroom, sometging was hurting on my stomach. I lloked at it and pulled the worm out even though it hurts.. It was a white worm.. There were three of them in total. After pulling them out, one by one, I just placed them on top of a table. The thing is that no one of the people around ne bothered to help me. They just asked me if is hurts. Then a guy who looked like someone I know took one and place it on his binder.. The other worm was crawling towards the hair os a girl who also looked like someone I know in real life.. I warned to guy to watch the worms abd not let them touch anyone… And then sonehow. I suddenly “got transferred” in anotger kind of dream.
I was with two friends and seen a worm that kept getting bigger and then smaller. I was really scared and my friends were trying to kill it for me. They ended up stepping on it and throwing it away.
I saw lots of white worms in my bathtub it was very grosse
im deaming on many worms (combination of big and too tiny worms, big worms in black and white color, and too slim white worm) under my seat. i pinch and crush those slim tiny white worms wiggling in my skin away from me.
I dreamt that maggots were in my throat and when I would spit them out they would change colours enlarge slither away and deflate like a balloon it would stop for a while and continue coming up from my stomach…I detest maggots so I was freaking out and trying to keep it to my self because it was so gross and upsetting.
I dreamt that I was pulling out very large and long worms out of my body possibility a tapeworm like for they were to large for a tippacle sized worm. The first three I was able to pull out but as they became longer and longer I yelled out for help for I wasn’t sure I could handle it.