If a lion appears in your dream usually refers to a force acting on you, guiding you. Depending on what happens during sleep and the attitude of the animal, have a meaning or another.
For example, if you get the lion or tiger subject means that this force will give you victory before a possible showdown. Not mean it is a real fight, it may be a confrontation with a problem or a particular situation. If this control to get the lion inside his own cage, success will possibly approaching a strong relationship with the business or the economy. Also, usually referred to the attraction to the opposite sex desprendes.
If you’re the one dominated by the lion, the result is totally opposite as possibly you will fail in your goals. You do not get to achieve the proposed goal.
If you only see lions or tigers in cages and not interact with them, it means that the fact succeed or fail in meeting the project will depend solely on you. Destiny is not written yet.
If you dream of even very young lions are no longer puppies, it means that your new projects can bring you great success if you get to perform them correctly.
When a woman dreams of cubs lion or tiger, they refer to the new fans that are coming.
The lion skin will always correlated with an increase in your fortune and your level of happiness. It is a very good sleep.
However, it is not as good dream a lion’s head growling and showing his teeth at a height superior to ours, as this denotes great find opposition when improve professionally.
If you are mounted above the lion, it is a sign of great valor and courage on your part you will bring much satisfaction.
If you’ve dreamed of a lion or tiger and want help to know the meaning, leave a comment explaining your dream in detail. We will help!
I dreamt of taking an evening walk on my house terrace. Then i saw a Tiger on neighbors terrace. Out of fear i came downstairs and closed all doors because the tiger came inside the house. Then i saw the Tiger looking at me straight in my eyes and i was smiling at back at him and feeling good. Thought out the dream Tiger was very calm.
I was walking down the walkway of my childhood home towards the street. Beside me I had a large male tiger and its Cubs playing and running beside me. I would occasionally pet them along with the large male. We casually walked down the street and a large crowd stared in awe. I saw people began to run and scream so I commanded the troop back to my house. I closed the front gate behind them and stayed outside while people approached me and complimented me on my control over the tigers.
|I saw lions and tigers that were caged, though they were quiet. I then saw a young lion that came out of its cage to play with me, i then told my servant to keep it back in its cage.
I later went out of the animal pen to brush my teeth with a brush and tootpaste
This morning i had a dream..lion protecting me from tiger..then the lion keep following me where ever i go..
I always dream of line.. 90% of my dream includes lion.. the lion can be behind the door, in my room, street every possible place, i dont harm me.. it stays atbits own mood.. its me whos scared.. but sometime i dont scared.. i watch it.. there r big male lion with shining mane, there are also lioness.. tigers also do come often, several times i have even seen white tigers.. these predators and king of jungles r always in my dream.. since my childhood..
I always dream of lion.. 90% of my dreams includes lion.. the lion can be behind the door, in my room, street every possible place, they dont harm me.. they stays at there own mood.. its me whos scared most of the time.. but sometime i dont frel scared. i watch them. . there r big male lion with shining mane, there are also lioness.. tigers also do come often,.. several times i have even seen white tigers.. these predators and king of jungles r always in my dream.. since my childhood..
I always dream of lion.. 90% of my dreams includes lion.. the lion can be behind the door, in my room, street every possible place, they dont harm me.. they stays at there own mood.. its me whos scared most of the time.. but sometime i dont feel scared. i watch them. . there r big male lion with shining mane, there are also lioness.. tigers also do come often,.. several times i have even seen white tigers.. these predators and king of jungles r always in my dream.. since my childhood..
I always dream of lion.. 90% of my dreams includes lion.. the lion can be behind the door, in my room, street every possible place, they dont harm me.. they stays at there own mood.. its me who is scared most of the time.. but sometime i dont feel scared. i watch them. . there r big male lion with shining mane, there are also lioness.. tigers also do come often,.. several times i have even seen white tigers.. these predators and king of jungles r always in my dream.. since my childhood..
I constantly dream and this is the first time I’ve actually remembered it. I dreamt that I was surrounded by lions and tigers but they were friendly and smiling. I felt happy, calm and comfortable. at one stage I was patting the lions head.
what does this mean??
i have a dream of being in an underground dungeon with some animals, specially lions, the lions hunt us down specially me, i ran all over the place, climbing the wall, but in the end manage to control the lion, as the lion leaves the scene, a tiger or a cheetah looking tiger appeared again hunting me an i again run al over the places and climb the walls, but he never catch up. then i woke up. pls. interpret this dream of mine as its bothering me. waiting for your response and thanks
My dream had many changes of scenery, situations, and symbols. I will try to place them in chronological order as best I can.
I believe starting out I was with my mother and sister in a store, like a target or something. There was this red headed woman with two babies that I kept running into. I was randomly walking around the store. The lady had let me hold her baby every time I saw her. Although I gladly took the baby, it felt as if my energy was being drained. My vision got fuzzy, I felt like I was going to fall asleep,it was a very strong feeling.
Once I gave the baby to her mother, I walked away and the scene changed.
I was in a cave with an adult male lion, a female tiger, and an adult male human. They were trapped, we were trapped. The lion and tiger lay to sleep. The man was bitten by the lion for laying beside them trying to get warm, the man scurried to the wall of the cave, afraid. I felt the pain of the bite, even though I was only spectating. I looked outside the cave entrance, there seemed to be a storm of sorts going on. I could not be sure as a grey mist like veil was there. I poked my head out, it seemed that we were very high up.
The scene changed again. I was in a factory type setting, or some construction was going on. I was inside a house, or at least what I thought was a house. I was with one of my nieces. There was a door to the left, I had a dollar, I gave my money to a lady and she gave me change. It was more than a dollars worth. I came back to the main room. My sister, her husband, and a few workers were there. My sisters husband, saw me with the money and proceeded to rip it out of my hands, I was left with a few dimes, he stated that it was his money. I had planned to use that to buy my niece something to eat, or so I claimed, I complained and tried to show every one how he had wronged me. I said if he wanted my money he could have asked instead of brutally taking it from me. No one stood up for me, my sister actually laughed and backed away. Her husband told me to basically f***k off, and I did. I was so angry that I decided to run away.
There was a sort of time lapse. I was in a different state, looking on to the train tracks deciding if I should take the train, my mind told me that the police were going to be searching the trains for me. I climbed a small steep hill with rocks, there was one of those hippie like vans there on a narrow road. They offered to take me somewhere, along with two other girls, so I accepted. When I tried getting in it was difficult, the lady was already driving and the guy inside just kept talking and not really helping us get on. We were hanging onto the side. I finnaly got in and one of the other girls did too. We arrived to a desert like place. There was an open gate leading to a streach of more desert. They told us one by one we would cross, they gave us a shot gun with pellets listed of bullets. The first failed to cross. As I talked to the lady who gave me a ride, we crossed in what seemed like seconds. It was day when we crossed the gate, and night when we arrived to a very familiar cave. There were various people there, dressed in rock fan like attire, the lady had changed to. Someone mentioned a dog tag necklace I had with the word “KeyTones” I didn’t even know what it was or how it got there. I walked up the stairs with the lady. There’s when I recognized the cave, the one with the tiger, the lion, and the man. As the lady spoke to me, I coulnd help but feel a knot in my heart, I snapped out of it when she mentioned there was a big money reward for my capture. I told her there was no way my family could pay that much money, she insisted on turning me in. I felt betrayed. Turning around to run. A little girl with a greenish aura appeard in front of me. She said she had killed her father, walking behind me to the lady and others, she said “I killed him, and then I killed myself” before she fell apart into little prices. Everyone was stunned, and I made my move to escape.
Now we were in a busy street in a city. The police were chasing me on foot, for some reason I felt very confused and unable to properly run, but even when the officers were at an arms length in distance they could not lay a hand on me. They chased me for a while, until another person with a hood ran in a opposite direction, getting the officers attention and letting me run freely.
I somehow got into an airplane that didn’t look much like an airplane. The officers were still looking for me, even though I was right in front of them, they did not find me and gave up.
Now I was in an office setting, I had been hired by a strange man. I had a rusty golden key with me at all times. I used it to pass onto the time the cave was still there, but it was empty. I did this quite a few times, until I got two visitors interested in wat I was doing. I lead them into the offices and tried to make the ceiling fans circulate by waving my hands in a circular manner. Some would start while the others would stop, and I became frustrated. The two others there noticed my behaviour, instead of explaining anything, I walked out the front door. We walked past a plie or crumbled rocks, one oth the guests picked up a fang, i took it from them and immediately recognized it. It belonged to the lion in the cave, I saw a vision of it under the pile of rocks and I fell to the ground crying, placing the fang back down the image faded, I was still upset. I continued to lead them outside. They had a hard time walking out, and I was impatient. Once out I closed the door, made sure no one else was looking and opened it with the golden key I had in my pocket. We entered into the scene of the store I was in at the beginning, in a food aisle. I lead them to the far left, there was a small door that I squeezed myself trough and waited for the other two. The door dissapeared after we made it to the other side. We were in a country side, there were a couple of houses. I wanted to take them to the cave, one suggested we go into a green house on the immediate right of us. I told them no, it was too dangerous. It reminded me of the little girl with the greenish aura. We walked towards a red house, from a blue shack two small white dogs ran at me and nipped at my hands and feet. It didn’t hurt, but it was annoying. I yelled at a lady to call her dogs off. Once they left we entered the red house and I woke up.
I dreamt I was in some kind of pet store or something like that, almost like a reptile store; however I saw a tiger cub held in a tank. It was trying to get out without success. It was claimed to be vicious and wasn’t being treated kindly. This deeply saddened me and I could feel the pain of the cub like it was almost suffocating. Tigers are supposed to run free not kept in small tanks. I was allowed to attempt to remove the tiger cub and it was actually friendly. It was only angry from being held in the tank.
I was walking with a young child we came upon a white lion in a cage staring at us. Then we looked to the right and there was a caged white tiger playing.
Something work me up in my dream I went down stairs and lions were peacefully sleeping all over I was panicking ran out the door looked back to see they did not follow then I woke up I feel I was wrong for running I think now they were protecting me what do. You think I have no prior relation to lions i never even seen the movie .
I was having a great time with my friends getting a tour around tigers.
The people that were protecting them took the tiger cubs away from the mum and dad and kept the mum and dad in tiny single cages.
We walked all the cubs up to where the cages of the parents were and then one of the helpers told us that they had to kill all of the cubs infromt of the parents eyes ..
I was the only one that protested and tried to get the tiger mum to attack the helper … All he said was “do you really think the parents care … They don’t even know that those are their cubs anymore”
He took the cubs and let them run just a little bit around the small grass cage and started to catch them individually and slowly tortured them whilst they were helplessly screaming and every other person stood their like frozen staring.
I opened the cage for ‘re mum … When I woke up crying my eyes out.
I was walking through a forest with a lion and a tiger the lion was on a branch I was a bit lower down than the lion and the tiger was below me we was all walking together then the lion ended up below me it looks like we had swapped place then my son came interview injury what does this dream me
So I’m just going to get right to the punch. I was being chased by a gun man in a hallway, he was holding a tec 9 and he was shooting at me as I was running.
I open a door and it was my bedroom. The first thing my eye seen was a baby male cub lion chewing on a bone similar to my puppies bone I just bought him yesterday from metro. Now this cub had aqua blue eyes! He was so cute and calm just chewing on his bone I was so amazed!
As I was getting closer to the lion to touch him I noticed it started to get foggy… I kept trying to touch the cub multiple time the cub was still calm but he was moving back just a little.. And then I woke up.
This dream stood out to me. What does the Aqua eyes mean and why was the atmosphere so calm till I opened the door from running away from the gun man.
I dreamt as if I was the cause for the lions to get into my territory
He was roaring like he’s hungry then suddenly I find baby tigers and lion cubs running towards me and I tell myself how beautiful they are until I remember the hungry lion roar voice in my head and realise my father is in the room and was afraid about him
Hello I’m ltiys I dream like big tiger looks lime hound is chasing me specially in full crowded area, I think it isn’t of hunger strike. Do I please explain what it interprets and in dream I’m just truing to escape from that.I have jumped into a big playground from above road n I have woke up from my sleep.could u guys please help me out.
Hello, I had a dream I was in a cage next to a large open field …in came 4 animals, 3 female lions and a black panther…..I felt afraid at first when I saw them running towards me, then I remembered someone telling me that they won’t bother you when you are pregnant ….so I was laying down and they had their heads laying on me too, the lions by my chest and the black panther had his head on my pelvis area, like he was listening to the baby….then I thought to myself, I’m not pregnant so are they going to kill me, I was afraid to move…so I just laid there, still. Then he panther got up showed me his teeth then ran off Into the village and I heard people screaming…I told my husband I had let the panther out and he’s going to kill people and he kind of just shrugs it off…then I woke up…
I dreamt that tiger cubs were being thrown into something like a garbage compactor and being crushed. It was disturbing.
I found myself walking a tiger, holding it by the collar. I was on the sidewalk of a big city. ( It could have been Manila, where I lived for years.) Next, I was joined by two small Filipino children. I talked to their mother in Tagalog (which I do speak). One of the children was a boy around 8 or 9 years old, and his little sister was about 3. Then the mother was not in the dream anymore. We walked several blocks and we went into a car dealership. I opened the glass door, and there were several soldiers in uniform, and they all looked at me with surprise and terror, so we kind of backed out. I remember we were trying to find our way back, as it seemed like we were lost. It seemed hot, and the children kept lagging behind, so I would have to stop. When I did stop, the tiger pinched me with his teeth on my hand, apparently to show his disapproval. I looked back at the children, and they had gotten on the other side of the street. I looked around, presumably to cross back over to where the children were. When I turned away I heard a thud. A big tow truck was backing out of a parking lot. The parking lot was about 3 feet higher than the street, so it was coming down that incline, with small brick walls on both side, and it ran over the little girl. I felt as if she was dead. I remember feeling so helpless! The little girl was wearing a light turquoise top. I yelled Oh My God! I woke up very startled, not sure if I had said that out loud, or in the dream.
**Recently I have been having very vivid dreams, that I immediately journal when I wakeup.
I just saw a lion and tiger walking in my dreams.
For information sake, I am a 34 years old women, wanting to get married at the earliest and have been seeking assistance of divine forces for the same through the medium of a divine soul.
Thanks and Regards
I am getting dream that tigers, lions and even leopards r running beside me. But they are not making any harm to me.
They are just scaring many people besides me. They are entering in buildings and just scaring people but not harming them too.
M scared of this dream because I got this dream for second time
I dreamed I was laying in bed and I seen a white and black tiger I believe and it was trying to kill it’s master they were up there what was thought to be about 2 days . I asked a friend in my dream why were they up there so long I was told him and his master were fighting because he didn’t want the tiger dropping from the ceiling and killing us but when I looked closer the masters eyes were completely black .. I’m really freaked out do you know what this means
I dreamed my husband went into the cage with a tiger, he confronted the tiger and the tiger bit his head off. Any ideas what this might mean?
I always have this dream that Lions or Tigers are outside my house and I’m stuck in my house scared and wanting them to just go away.
I just woke up now and remember that lion and tiger attacking and I’m climbing the walls and running and I got killed by a lion but again I got life and started to kill the tigers only . why?
I dreamt two cubs and a young tiger over my patriarchal homes terrace. I was the only who saw them and tried to beware other family members but nobody took my fear sincerely.
It was a morning dream just after 6 am.now a days after two years of steroid medication I am battling with my depression. Is there any correlation??? Also I always complaint immotional insecurity to my love one’s.
I was dreaming that I went to the door and there was a kitten, large kitten like a sleep at my door …inside my fenced yard I went back to the door and look again and I realized it was a baby tiger cub and the colors were faded like a light orange and white …I then realised there were two cubs in the yard….not see the second one …and then I saw the mother was pacing back and forth ..I then-new the cubs were starving and I wasn’t sure if the mother wanted to eat them and her body looked warped not normal ..so I got some frozen meat to feed the mom ..and to calm her down …while I phoned the wildlife, people, to come get them ..then I saw a large truck pull up to my yard …..then I was feeding the cubs some goats milk …during this time all my mind could think about ..how I was going to explain how these animals got in my yard …then the authorities ask me to come take care of the animal because no one else could do it ..then I thought someone drop these tiger’s in my yard because I was an artist and I had painted a picture of a tiger on my fence….( I am an artist but there in no picture on my fence) and i do love tigers and lions that is what i have mostly painted
I saw myself standing on a road. From a distance I could see three to four figures approaching. The moment they came closer I saw there are four tigers walking towards me. As they get more close I realise that one of them is my pet dog. They all are peacefully passing me by I am actually in the middle of the road, I sit down to pet my dog and I ask him what are you doing with them. Then he starts to wag his tail and I stand up to realise that the Tigers have now noticed and I am pulling my dog out of the group. My dog is not willing to come as he is scared. And while I am doing this I am still in the middle of the group of tigers. I manage to pull my dog and the Tigers notice this, they are now facing me and my dog is behind me. The tigers are now growling and showing their teeth ready to attack my dog. To calm the Tigers down I have put a hand on the forehead of the tiger in front telling it to calm down and not attack. After this suddenly a friend of mine appears and I pass my dog to him. And then from no where a man taking a walk with his family and his dog also appear and he gives the leash of his dog in my hands and comes and stands between me and the Tigers. I pass on the leash of the second dog to my friend who has my dog and ask him to take both the dogs away. After this the Tigers don’t attack and the situation is alright. I then see my friend bringing back the dogs. I remember seeing my dog but don’t remember what happens to the strangers dog. Also no recollection as to where did the stranger and tigers go after that.
I had a dream that took place in a neighborhood. It was my neighborhood in the dream but never seen it before in real life. There was man who had pet tigers. One white and one red. They were in fenced in yard like a dog would be. I don’t remember who I was sitting with but we were sitting a restaurant style booth but it was outside on a street in this neighborhood. While sitting there the Tigers got loose. I remember everyone who was outside started running home scared but I stayed in my seat because I saw the red tiger walking down the street towards the booth I was sitting in. My oldest daughter and some other child she was hugging were standing next to the booth but in the street. I told them to wait and not move (there was a lot of people running around frantically, they were not the people in the street) as the tiger approached it calmly walked by us. As soon as the tiger passed by us I told my daughter and other child to get in the booth and as close to the opposite end as possible. Somehow the Tigers (or tiger, I only saw the red one lose and attacking) were captured and put back behind the fence at their home (the neighbor had them as pets) next thing I remember I was in my moms car but my dad was driving (not unusual in real life) as we were driving down the road to get out of the neighborhood we saw dead cats and dogs from the tiger attack. Then I either woke up or don’t remember what happened after that. What does all this mean?!
I saw i was travelling by train then suddenly my train stopped and a huge tiger jumped inside our coach just in front of my seat.. He ws noot in anger or showing any signs of aggression he ws sitting calmly and by putting his head down.. After two stations i picked out my camera to click him.. He jumped out of the same window… Then consecutively i saw my many relatives in dat train we have deboard at my grandmother place bt we didnt deboarded there.. Bt we went to my paternal aunt.. With her then i saw i was running in woods in heavy rain… A small boy was running with me.. I dun no who was he… Then i saw jains temple.. i even remember the faces of goddesi saw.. A llady with crocodile having his mouth wide open.. Pls help me to find the meaning of my dream.
I don’t dream much but the other night I dreamt there were lions and tigers all over the city I was at and I had to protect my two kids and get them in the car and leave the city and the lions and tigers were attacking the car? we were able to leave town
My dream
I was in a school property and I lost my shoe in the little river like things and I found it then I was about to get it when I saw a female lion . I was fearing it so much and it grabbed me . I was scared it was going to eat me or something , but it didn’t . I was just scared and tried to get it off me , but it wouldn’t let go , so I had to drag it everywhere I went and then I was near the school door and someone tried to help me saying that they will open the door real quick so I can get in and lock it so the female lion doesn’t get in . So I tried getting it to leg go of me or loosen the grip because I didn’t want to get scratched . And I pointed somewhere and the lion looked and loosened it grip and I was running towards the door and I barely made it in. The lion was scratching the door. And was still trying to get near me . It wouldn’t leave me . But the thing is even tho I was scared I felt comfortable . Only the fear over came me to leave it. But I couldn’t help to stop and look at its eyes. They seemed quite familiar .
I don’t remember much but…(I find it confusing)
I saw white tiger cub walking by VERY calm then I saw a young girl (which i felt/thought like it was me) she tripped and fell trying to get away crawling, then stopped when she noticed the cub was just passing by and was very calmed.
I saw myself looking at what was going on with the young girl and the cub…. The cub was looking forward then turn its head left (my way) and stared at me hard while it kept walking.
My eyes were wide open, was some what afraid but when it looked at me it was a different feeling that I can’t explain well…like if it was trying to say something to me.
I had a dream about a lion and a tiger. I dreamed that I was in a room with a lionand it went from being calm and then the lion started to growl and snarl at me and I noticed a tiger in the distance relaxing and I felt it will come and defend me.
I was walking down a street full if houses and one lion was chained to a tree and one tiger was chained to another tree but was seen first as I walked the street. I was pregnant as I am in real life and me and the friend continued to walk then we turned down another street where the lion was chained on the corner, he was charging towards us like he wanted to get loose and my friend wasn’t afraid but I was minding you I’m pregnant Eventually he got a loose and I turned around svc started walking slow as he growled and walked slow also. As I continued to walk we stumbled a little over trees and we upon this house and I knocked on the door the lady answered seen what was going on and shut her door I plead with her to let me in and that I was pregnant but she proceeded to close her door. So we continued to walk and the lion hasn’t charged yet and I started thinking why then all of a sudden the tiger got loose and there I was walking with a big rock in my hand with two large animals growling at me not knowing what to do so I started pleading and crying to them not to attack as I was holding my stomach and walking backwards so they wouldn’t attack. I looked up because I had my head down crying holding my stomach and the tiger stood up and turned into a man and walked away but I was still stuck with the lion then the lion stood up and turned into a man also and I ran away around a corner which looked was the beginning of fhe street I was walking down and I walked through a side door and things faded away and I woke up.
I was in ny house and I looked outt the window and seen a young tiger with no front legs. I hurried to grab my phone to take a picture, but it left. I would really like to understand this dream.
I fell into a cave where there were different wild animals, however, it was the lioness who charged at me, at that point I jumped almost like I flew up on top of the cave wall and the lioness leaped to catch or reach me at that point I woke in shock from my dream. The next dream there were two, I was in a building like, kind of foggy, but they would follow me and I would walk and fast and hide , but one found me and leaped at me but I able to lock myself in what looked like a cage.
Bon Soi, Como ta le vu? I dreamed of opening my front door, and there stood a huge tiger. He appeared to be a messenger. I closed the door. I opened the back door a d there stood a lion. Non violent, but, a messenger as well
.My mother was a Chinese, but, died 5) years ago
I don’t remember how exactly i ended up there but i was in a room with two tigers and a lion. They all had colors on the face and neck. Like pink, yellow, a lightish green and blue. But they were real tigers and it was a real lion. They were all playful and loving. I remember them coming to me like a dog would when they get excited to see you. My dream probably has no meaning but still, just wondering.
I dreamt i was looking after 2 tigers, one was white and one the other orange. I left the cage and entered the leapords cage who was injured and being nursed in another seperate cage inside. As i turned round to close the gate i realised with great fear id left to gate unlocked on the tigers cage. They both slowly came out and i was frantically deciding wether to go out and coax them back in or tranquilise them. I then woke up.
I dreamt I was at my grandmas to pick up my son . And I saw the bushes moving , I was outside with my cousin , and I immediately jumped in my car yelling at her to get in the car , there’s a tiger coming . However I didn’t even see the tiger yet . As she runs around the front of my car , the tiger jumps over the hood and jumps at her . Dragging her into the garage . My other cousin and grandma come out of the door , when they see it’s a tiger my cousin tries to pull my grandma back inside but my grandma falls and is attacked by the tiger . All while I’m just sitting in my car . Watching . A few weeks ago I had a similar dream about being at my grandmas and my cousin being attacked by a tiger .
I dreamt of a pregnant tiger and i’m not pregnant myself or in any relationship. She was growling at me and a group of people from a visible locked room. I cant find any source for pregnant tigers. Please help. Thank you.
I was in my house and I went to go feed our rabbits but instead of rabbits there were lions and tigers fully grown and cubs of both lion and tigers but they were separated they were in the rabbits cage witch has another thing in the middle that separated them. I felt scared and terrified incase I would get eaten but for some reason I still fed and gave them water and after that I was still feeling scared then one of the tigers jumped out of the cage and I ran inside. After that I went to the door in the kitchen that also lears outside but to a different part and started arguing g with my mum for buying pet lions and tigers
I dreamed about a lion and tiger they weren’t fighting or aggressive in my dream that i can remember they were just there chilling with each other in my face.
I saw a lion being haunted by a group of dogs and tigers inside my home.
I saw a tiger in the dream who only smells my skin even am afraid that now he had eaten me but he doesn’t do that silently smell my body and silently goes after that. So what is the meaning of it ??
But I Had a dream that I was at a beach with my back to the ocean in front of me was 1 tiger and 2 female lions and a crowd of people. The lions where attacking the tiger to the point where the tiger appeared dead. The lions circled around the tiger head towards the people not to harm them but to protect there kill. But the tiger got up slowly but looking very strong I could see every muscle in its body he roaded the lions turned around. And that was the end of the dream.It didn’t make any sense to me at all and I don’t under stand why I was standing in the water on the opposite side of the crowd super close to the tiger.
Had a dream my friend had a femal tiger but he wanted me to keep for a while thou he was going away then at night saw I lion prowling around and here thou never went out then had a group of unknown people in the yard playing with them I shooed them away and the animals got out but I got them back
I was in a house not my own,saw a lioness inside with me, I assumed she ate the puppies,because I only saw one and it was a husky grayish blk n furry, I sat on a rolling chair with a very high back, to where the lionessential couldn’t see me, every time she walked I would turn so she wouldn’t see me, I managed to open the front door to let her out, and brought in 3 poodles two other dogs and the puppy, looked to see where it came in to the yard, there was a whole in the corner of the fence. I felt fear. My sisters went put front to go some where, told them to hurry because the lionees, whom now looked like a tiger was coming towards the house, they got in the car and drove off. The tiger came and pounced on the front door but I was able to close it. It kep pouncing on the windows. They never broke. But I had was scared. Woke up scared my body hurt but not pain, but like fear in my bones….
In my dream I was walking with my kids on a road where there was small amount of water on the road. We heard tigers growling but didn’t see any in sight so continued to walk. 3 of my kids got ahead of me and 2 stayed behind with me. As we turned to the left we saw 2 wildebeest and as we were trying to get far away from them we again hear the tigers and see my kids walking then running to us. As they get closer the tigers are chasing them and transforming into lions right before our eyes. The younger 1 came to me and was not aggressive at all. Somehow the small amount of water on the road turned into a river and me my kids and the lions were swimming in it. The lion let me hold on to it the whole time. Shortly the river lead to my house where we all walked in (animals included.) The bigger lion sat on aa shelf I had and let me cut his legs. Then I woke up.
Today morning I saw one tiger following me every where and me trying to get away from it by riding on a scooty with my father, making it run through the streets.. all while it felt as if that tiger is a human..
In the other scene, while riding on a motorbike with someone, I saw many tigers lying (perhaps dead or sleeping) on the road.. I felt very relaxed and no kind of fear could grip me..
Another scene involved a lion walking on a tree branch at a great height..
In the next scene, I gave two Street girls a pencil each.. I saw my mom and dad and it seemed as if they were feeding some people out there..
I’ll be grateful if you kindly explain its meaning section wise..
Thank you 🙂
I dreamt of lions and snakes…the lion was had my cousins baby and we all try to get the baby from him. After we did,it got so angry and i asked why are u so angry and he said he doesnt want to talk about relationships n babies anymore..someone said he cant jump over the fence and in anger the lion jumped really high amd over the tall fence…i also dreamt i was catching snakes in my home n putting them in a bag ,there was little snakes n bug snakes
Kind of same dream as of priya commented on March 12 2016.. I was surrounded by white tigers no cubs all big bold white tigers. I was running along with many others on roads probably to protect my self.. how ever tiger never caught me. What does it mean. Some website says white tiger1 dream are auspicious. Kindly throw some more light
I dreamed that we did not have enough money to provide for all 3 children. Since the 3rd child was unexpected, I decided to invite this lion that I knew over to eat the 3rd child. I left him alone in the nursery with the baby. Upon him leaving, I discovered that he had killed the baby but only eaten the babies face and hands. The lion then came back and wanted back inside my house to eat my other 2 children and my husband. He was stalking the house when I woke up.
I had a dream of Tiger cub roaming around in my neighborhood, there is a social gathering at the same time in my home. There were two tiger cubs, though they did not chase me I had the urge to protect myself and my neighbors.
I was at my mom’s house and I saw a lion and a tiger playing together. I was looking at them, my mom was outside with them, I think I got scared. I opened the door and called my mom inside as I quickly closed the door and locked. The lion was trying to push the door but it was locked.
I dreamt of my family and myself being on my grandpas ranch on the reservation. Night was falling but not enough to black out the area, but cast a blue outlook on the environment. Something happened that caught my awareness as if it were something I always knew as instinct and was familiar with. I warn everyone that the lions and tigers are here. As everyone scrambled I could see two pair of eyes come out from over the bush line. As they approach fear took everyone causing them to slow down and some would even freeze in position. The kids at this point don’t know the situation as one and only one would get caught and killed for hunting pleasure. As I saw the event happen in front of me I quickly grabbed every child with no concern for their parents and took them into shelter of my grandpas house. I then look out the back window and see a whole group of eyes approaching the ranch but the bodies concealed in the foliage. They the attack and all I can hear is screaming outside. During all this I hear a child and so I open the door and quickly search the area with my sigh tans spot the kid. He is running from the neighbors area being scouted by a tiger. I then rush to him and grab him to put him into the home where all the other kids remain. As I shut the door to assess the situation I see the lions and tigers from a distance chasing and mauling. Oddly I see no blood and no dead bodies. At this time I spot the same two first pair of eyes from the beginning except I see their bodies. I don’t know how I know to recognize them but it’s them. One lion and one tiger paired together both looking the same in body composition. Possessed like, tall and thin, yet you could see their strength as they gallop. Almost as if they are the leaders in their own demonic fashion. Afterwards everywhere I look it’s the same thing. The two running in pairs in one place then another. They aren’t different groups, but magically everywhere at the same time and I know for some reason it’s always them two. Strangely they never look at me and never chase me. It’s as if I’m just there to experience this event only yet I can commute with the people, my family. Then I wake up.
I dreamed that the lion broke loose from his leash and he was hungry and my husband tried to put him back on his leash but he didn’t wanted to obey him,so I took him and feed him and put him back on his leash
In the dream.. me and my family where in the car and I was sitting next to the driver seat and my uncle was driving fast as were on our way to attend my brother’s marriage.. but on our way..on a busy road what we saw was something very unusual.. it was like a huge group of lions and tigers crossing the road.. and my uncle got scared seeing that so he ran his car even faster and went through the herd killing one tiger.. and then we were being chased by 2-3 lions but my uncle didn’t slow down and continued racing the car.. ahead on the middle of the road we saw a tall, well built man with a hockey stick in his hand standing in our way.. supposedly looked like he was the owner of those lions and tigers.. my uncle crashed into him and then I woke up..till the end he couldn’t harm us.. after that I got scared and woke up.. please tell me what could be interpreted through this cause I have been suspecting depression within me..and I don’t want to be a prey to it
i have had several dreams about lions, tiger and leopards … my first one was me, my daughter(age 4), my brothers and sisters, and a lot(like thousands) of other unknown people with faces (normally i dont see face nor remember detail of that face but this time i do) was stuck inside a village that reminded my of Africa for some reason (never been) that was caged (like a game) there was also some people (shadow figures) was at the top of a build that had blown a horn and that moment hungry tigers was let loose everyone start running and hiding i grabbed my daughter and got separated from my oldest brother so i find a door to house that was open and inside that house was a cage i put my daughter inside it and pushed it inside a closet and a dresser on the closet and told my sisters and brother to use weapons on what ever comes in and went to find my brother when i got outside the tiger was killing everyone old people young people,even children (i was crying and afraid i felt so real) I soon seen my brother hiding but there was two tigers soo close to him so i picked up a knife and start make noise so they could come towards me one looked at me and starting charging i started climbing the side of the building that was near to me the tiger did the same once it got close i stabbed it in the head when it body fell the other one come after me i climbed higher but the tiger was fast and caught me and bit my leg but my brother stab it from the back … we ran ( I limped as fast as i could) back to the house where everyone was the door had tiger claws and blood so i started crying and was hesitant to open it but the knob turned and they was there but with more people more children which made my happy one of the villager told my there was a timer and we have 30 more minute left til its over and i ask til what is over she reply the tiger on in then we have 12 hours til they come back … i started crying (again!) … long story short we got out i killed like 4 more lion … the scary part was i got separated from my brother and daughter (i cried so hard) and i had to go back in and found them and i sent my sister and younger brother home!
this one is short i was at a strip club (i dont go to clubs of any type) with my sisters on the tv and the saying their two loose leopards and so happened my sister wlked out the building to talk to her friend she was but a fenced door and she started to sit down slow i like wtf wrong the i looked and saw the loepards walking past so i whisper to her to stay calm and i grabbed i pocket knife out my purse ans cut whole the the fence big enough for her to get through (we’re very small women) and as soon as i grabbed her an start pulling her in the leopard looked over and charger for her i tried to get her in fast but it caught her leg and she was screaming and w was crying so i stabbed it in the eye
the scary thing about these dreams is my daughter (age 4) is have similar ones on the same day i know she a toddler but when she come tells me her dreams i become afraid
my daughter dram was a lion was in the house so i ran with her and my son(age 3) but i accidental dropped him and the lion ate him than my grandfather kilt the lion the end!
like WTF do we need help! idk what to do its kinda scary
Hey, I had a dream recently Wr I am in underconstruction underground place … Wr I see lot of lions ahead roaming very freely… without troubling anyone and then I escaped from the place Wr I stood to look for a way out to find people thinking I would be safe . finding the ways for a long I found a building .. Wr some of my.friends gathered for a chit chat.. as I was not interested to hang out .. I continued to find the way out ..from the same building.. there I found a room empty I fall asleep as I was tired all the way find to get out of the under pass..I slept preety well in that room with a door closed .. but could a noise all the time which didn’t allow me to sleep completely.. later I got up in the early morning just to check .. what’s that disturbing me whole night.. I opened the door slowly but not completely.. watched to my left and right.. there I saw a tiger.. roaring with a distance ..of 10_12feet from my room.. I was shocked to know that I spent a night there with a tiger roaring all the night.. I planned to escape .. but I was sure if I get caught the tiger would kill me .. thinking the best to escape the dig through the room door to vanish from that room . I found one wooden door exactly opposite to my room and a grilled door next to it.. I thought to move as soon as possible to get rid of the tiger.. .I slowly watched Wr the tiger is .. the tiger seen very clear.. pride .. roaring and approac hing towards the room.. now itz, time for me to escape.. in a hurry.. I rusged towards the opposite wooden door but .. had a strike that could be little hard to open and suddenly I opened a grilled door next to it and saw a deep well after the gate opens.(if I would have steped immediately I would be in well. Sinking I guess)but fortunately.. I crossed it by taking a lengthy step.. once and found a stairs up to the floor .. Wr I can escape.. finally I took the stairs and up soon .. finding the tiger followed by me .. I ran instantly.. to the other open space door there up .. and tiger stood at the last step of the stair.. and trying to say me sum thing.. yes I spoke to the tiger.. generously.from far.. but I forgot Wt did it said to me.. but I still remember I ended up by saying.. itz OK I will take care..
So, please let me know what doE’s it mean..
I had a dream.I was at my college building with my friends.Suddenly a tiger comes up from no where.We got inside a room and my friend was trying to close the door when the tiger started putting its paw inside the room.So I pushed my friend away and used my strength and shut the door.he sat outside the room for some time.i don’t know if he was calm or not..then eventually me and my friends got out of the other door.eventually the tiger too had gone.
Can you please tell me the meaning of this dream.
in my dream i saw a tiger walking in the balcony of my house…then i feel scary so i close my door thinking the tiger will go away…but when i open my door again the tiger is still there…whats scares me is there is a lady lion too…and it seems like they where a couple… so i close the door again but when i open it there comes another baby lion…they look like a family…..suddenly the mother and the baby tiger enter the house they just walking around the…they where so calm as if they where my pets…. can u pls explain my dream it my first time to dream about tiger lions…pls help thanks!
I was in my house and kept looking out back. There were lions on one side of my yard, tigers on one side and bears in another area. I was scared. I am going thru a traumatic experience in my life at this time:
I was at this river spot swimming with a guy that was my boss. He took me inside a house that was right on the river. When we finished talking about one of my family members who had died in my dream. I ran over to the deck of the house and jumped into to the water. The guy owned the tiger and she was very tamed. I swam with her and was able to pet her. She had four cubs with her they were all scattered out but I could see them all. At one point of the dream a door in the side of the rock opened. Inside was a leopard seal and it went through the water and went for one of the cubs. I watched as it had one of the cubs in his mouth I felt a huge sadness. In my dream I had grown fond of these animals I loved them as they were my own. I watched as the tiger and the seal fought. The tiger was named yet I cant remember her name fully, but she bit off the fin of the leopard seal. In a weird way I felt like I was controlling her jaw to bite harder so the fin came off. She kept fighting it and then I awoken.
i saw one lion tiger inside my house. i was holding the tiger while my mother was holding the lion thy were not so huge. then we patted thier head till they fell asleep then my mother goes to call someone to take them back but then the lion wakes us i make fun n call my mother back tht the lion cant sleep without her. during that time i click pictures n make videos with the tiger like i was more attached with the tiger than the lion. then we went to meet a person from zoo, a wicked person wanted money and told will take back only the tiger. i declined his offer and told him to get lost. then while going back home for the whole time i ws carrying the tiger in my arms n my mother carried the lion. their we met a aunty who told somethig and we followed her and then we saw we r on top of the cage in which the tigers are kept. d tigers insde the cage were sleeping but they woke up for their noise, we had thought seeing them our tiger would get excited instead he turned his face that time i realized those tiger used to bully him thats why he ran away n i started crying n telling tht now i wont give him away anymore he will stay with me only from now on.
I’m walking in a massive palace filled with stunning wood architectural buildings, surrounded by tigers everywhere, of all ages and sizes. There is beautiful stream, green fields, beautiful rooms, and the tigers love me. I feel strong, and at home amongst them. As if I was living amongst them.
I had dream that I was on a hilly area. And me and my family was at a hotel basically it was a wedding where we are. The people get a news that a group of tigers are here I go to see them on the road .when I was walking on the way l met a tiger at some distance and then a group of tigers appear in front of me l look back and see a mother and his children running on seeing them I also took a run but they are comming behind me but they are doing no harm to me they were very close to me and they were walking and I am running. Then I saw a hotel were my family is there then I see a group of people in front of me and a light comes and tiger’s got dissappear and then I wake up
I was the only person having a relaxing walk and I was walking in a huge old cold grey building about to walk down a long flight of stairs when I saw 2 lions suddenly coming around the corner of the building, running freely on grass as if looking for something/ anything … looking like they were enjoying themselves even being mischievous …. Both lions started running up the stairs in my direction. They hadn’t seen me. I lay down pretending to be dead/ asleep near the foot of the stairs as there was no time to hide or even look for a hiding place. The grey building and surrounding were unfamiliar to me…. As the lions reached the top the one lion seemed not to take notice of me and was near my feet The other lion was at my head and proceeded to opened his mouth and puts it over my face carefully.. Then I saw the other one at my feet looking at me and I saw realization in his eyes and he makes a slight snarl,… I felt that the other lion might be about crush my face with his teeth so I forced myself awake neither lion had bitten me yet…It was very surreal and I felt powerless to do anything i.e. 2 powerfull lions and it somewhat disturbing as I was surprised by the lions… Lions were young adults
I do not remember much of my dream but I do remember seen this white tiger smaller than me walk up when I turned around I see him attacking my cousin’s head now I’ve had this dream before but the first time the tiger let go of her head and she got up and said it’s okay he’s done this before this time in the dream once he walks past me any attacks her I start making noises in hitting things to get him away from her he really says her and he comes up to me and growls and then walks away and then I woke up
there was a building with no walls or windows…..i erected the walls and made windows and used fire to blow het in the house as there was no glass for the windows. i went to sleep on a mattress downstairs and there was a tiger liyng with me awake…i was fearful but the tiger was unconcerned and quite comfortable…below us under the bed was a lion the tiger and lion reached over nd licked each others faces. my brother was complaining that the house was too airy and the fire upstairs in the windows wasnt cool……..i told him i was going to get a cigarette for me and him from upstairs and when i moved from the bed the tiger moved as if to accompany me.the lion stayed put. i went to the top where the fire was blowing heat through the window frames.then there were other people around in the street looking for a brick house to rebuild but there were only houses and walls off layered red slate.then i saw a brick house to rebuild and woke up
I dreamt that I was somewhere on a farm with lions and tigers. On the farm the was only one house and outside they was a Cage with a lion inside and I was Guarding it. Behind me there were lions and tigers which were not in cages lying around free. When a Guard whose supposed to guard the lion in the cage showed up I decided to leave and go inside the house. When I opened the safety gate on the door it made some noise which attracted some Lions to come. Has I had not opened the main door seeing the lions coming to the door made me afraid. Because of this I tried to climb and hung from the roof so that the Lions won’t reach me. However one of the Lions Jumped and dropped me down.
And I woke up!!!!
I just woke up and googled dream interpretaions to find this page so it’s still fresh in my head. Here it goes:
I was in my house in my room. I got up and I saw there were lions and tigers in the room where my mother sleeps as well as other areas on the house. I didn’t leave my room but for some reason I could see the animals where the people that are in my house usually are. I looked outside the window and I saw them in my back yard. But the backyard was my old backyard from the house prior to the one I live in now. I woke my cousin up as she was sleeping in the same bed as I and I told her that there are lions and tigers outside and in the house and that they probably had devoured out relatives. I was so terrified. I suggested that we didn’t leave my room because it was a safe place since the beast do not have access because the door is locked. A few moments after my mom comes in the room telling me she cooked. And I was urging her to come inside the room and to tell everyone else to do the same thing because there are lions and tigers outside roaming the house. And she says that I’m crazy that there’s nothing outside. I look outside again and I see a lioness licking the face of my puppy. He didn’t seem hurt and the animals seemed very calm. I reach down from the second floor and grab my dog. The beasts didn’t flinch. I examined the dog and he seems to be fine. I proceed to hug the dog and I see there is blood. So I washed him off and there were no cuts or injury marks. My dog dies. I tell my cousin who’s very chill in the entire situation that I’m going to call the zoo or animal control. I grab my phone and start googling the number but it keeps giving me the wrong Google search. I ask her to Google it on her phone and give me the number franatically.. I was getting frustrated and I was terrified because the lions and tigers started circling my room like they were taunting me. She gets a number but the zoo said it was closed so no one can come get the animals. I ask her to dial animal control or at least give me the number. She gives me the number and for some reason I can’t enter it in my phone. I look up and the lions and tigers are inside my room circling me and my cousin is gone. I had to force myself to wake up because I was so scared in the dream.
I saw myself as tiger, then i saw white tiger as my father and then lion as another father, i was hugging both of them and felt very peaceful and both are smiling on me.
I m dreaming this things from last 2 to 3 days where i live with my mother in a house where there is a mysterious door i open it every day and there are mountains in there with jungle in it i run on the mountains with a particular sound and from nowhere a tiger appears followed by a lion where i give them a particular thing to eat ( thing unknown) and then they play with me for couple of hours and then my mom shouts for my name Abbas and i leave the area and shut the door and then mom tells me she will call a particular person and take the tiger away ( i m very known to the person) and i say ok and leave the matter.This regularly happens with me for 2 to 3 days back to back in a row n after that i feel very happy energetic but today the same thing happend but today the lion catches my leg in the mid air as i was running but he didn’t bite me instead he just cought my leg and licked it And the tiger came and then we had our time as usual it happens . Now the thing is as i closed the door and returned after sometime a boy came with a cricket bat asking for his ball followed by 3 to 4 children’s witb him but the strange part was they all had full black eye’s they asked for the ball and directly entered the mysterious door and i said dont go there is a tiger in it he got down alone and than 2 to 3 childerns to followed him and than suddenly i spotted the ball ( yellow colour) which they were asking for i shouted for them that i have found your ball they came back i locked the door gave them the ball back they left and mom said to call that person and ask him to take the tiger back and i said as usual ok…. And i woke up
Pls pls help me to understand this dream it has been folkowing me from last 3 to 4 days back to back in a row
I had a dream where the lion was sleeping in my bathroom and it got startled when i opened the door. Then i realised that there were other several other lions in the house and i had to open all doors of my house so that they can get out. I was afraid of them but they never attacked me.
I found myself with crowd of lions. Friendly behaving. Taking selfies with them.
I dreamt of a lion and a tiger, the lion was on the opposite side surrounded by a chain link fence, in the dream the lion was trying to mount the tiger which seemed to be on the other side of the chain link fence where I was standing,. After a long struggle of the lion trying to penetrate the tiger from the other side, it was successful.
Later I saw myself doing ome ‘shopping for vegetables’ mostly ‘onions, garlic and kales’. When I was about to leave the market, I remembered the lion and the tiger, then I asked my ‘cousin’ where the two were while I was ‘hiding’ myself in a ‘traditional hut’. He ‘lied’ to me they had crossed over the other side of the fence. I gained courage and took my ‘car cars’ and the ‘vegetables’.. on my way out of the hut, I happened to open the door of the hut opposite the one I was hiding from, the lion popped out, but I managed to hold him down by his head as he struggled to jump over the river to the other side of the fence where he initially was.. the dream was cut off before I could figure out whether the tiger was still in the same hut or had already crossed over…
Kindly help me understand what this could possibly mean.
I keep having dreams of lions and tigers. (these are not in any particular order… ) I had a dream I was feeding a lion, a tiger, and a smaller lion treats, like you would a dog… and was determining who to feed first to give it dominance… I know, weird… but I fed the smaller one first because I didn’t want the bigger one’s to bully her. Another dream… I I saw a huge lion walking in an airport. I thought… whoa… that is a dangerous animal… but then I was like… well it is walking around with all these people and it’s not hurting anyone… it walked right up to me but I woke up. I had another dream of a lion, a tiger, and a black panther. I was being chased by the tiger and I jumped over a waterfall to escape it, but time seemed to slow and I stopped falling to asses the situation below. In the cove below me there was a lioness and her cub and I knew if I fell straight down they would get me, so I decide to go behind the waterfall… I pulled back the water, like a curtain, but in the darkness I could see there was a sleeping black panther and I was just stuck there suspended in mid air trying to decide which route to take… then I woke up. last night I had a dream about another lion. We were in the same room, it was almost like it was guarding me, but showed no aggression. I’m just curious why this theme seems to be reoccurring all the time. I mean, I am not watching any nature programs or anything… there’s really nothing in my waking world that would bring lions and tigers to mind so often.
I dreamt early morning of an adult tiger protecting its cub from someone. I was there too and I was arguing with that person to not harm the animals. But ultimately I saw that the tiger got killed and it’s flesh was being pulled apart for that person to eat it’s organs. I escaped holding the cub in my hands. And after that I woke up with a start. The dead tiger was a gory sight.
First time i saw such a gory dream. What does it symbolize? Please tell me
I had this dream when I was maybe 6 or 7 , I am 21 now and For some reason Its never went away I remember the dream and it feels so real,
I was walking in this Forest like area, Unfamiliar with the area It was swampy like Had water flooded in almost maybe a foot on the ground, I Remember a white tiger Being there, I felt as if the Tiger was protecting me from something I don’t know what though,
I walked deeper into the woods and I remember finding giant tree laying over the water as if it were a pathway or a bridge, I started to walk across it but stopped about 2 steps in, I looked forward and this Beautiful Woman in a white dress Was standing from a short distance, I felt as if I knew her my entire life, as I walked towards her, she told me to promise her I will not ever forget her. I said to her I promise, I woke up from this point
I have no idea if there is any meaning to this, Believe me I tried to forget the dream many times and I couldnt forget, I had this dream about 3 or 4 times the same week I had this dream. It’s almost feels as if it wasnt a dream.
I went to a concert and was dancing around with my friends, smoking and drinking and we all got the chance to come down to the side of the stage and high five the singer (I don’t know who he was) but he was dressed in a huge bear suit.
After that I started to walk away looking at the pictures I had got on my phone, but when I looked up there was no concert and I was completely alone in a field.
Two young girls ran up to me terrified but wouldn’t tell me what was wrong (they actually looked just like some girls I went to school with in their younger years)
So I started walking trying to find somewhere safe to sit until we could find other people but I saw 1 tiger and it started to growl at me and walk towards me and the girls. I kept shouting “we’re not real, we’re not food” and it seems to walk away. Same happened with the lions.
I’m really not sure what this means and thought it was very strange, please help!
I had a dream a lion was roaming the neighborhood in an aggressive manner causing me to stay indoors until it leaves. This is the 2nd time I’ve had this dream. However this most recent time, it went further and I saw the enclosure they were in.
There were a lot of lions eating other lions and it was very fast and almost “battle-like” and I was at a distance it seemed but at the same time they were just beyond my reach and I couldn’t make them stop and I was crying frantically and it was very traumatic for me. It still is I can’t forget this awful dream.
I entered a beautiful garden and saw so many tiger cubs playing all around in the graden. I felt a lot of happiness seeing them playing, but soon they tried to approach me and that’s when I felt fear of being harmed. However, when they approached me , they didn’t harm me , they just came close, touched / kissed my feet and walked away..i can still feel the beautiful garden , fresh air and beautiful cubs around… it was so beautiful.. want to understand the meaning.
In my dream I was on a bridge with my kid and underneath us i think there was a zoo and suddenly a group of jaguar were out of their cages and one jumped up and another tiger appears also then a lion so my child and I were trapped in the middle with the security guard and we all crumbled really frightened wating for those three animals to attack us and to feel their claws on my back so I started yelling at the security guard how come you dont have a gun someone should shoot in the sky so the animals get scared and while waiting somebody did and the animals left, then i started crying as i was sooo scared because my child was with me.. so i felt in the dream that i have experienced a near death experience
Great dream of being at a theme park called “Liberty” where participants are allowed to mingle and dine together in a protected environment while the Lion’s and tigers are together and roam free and study us. The attitude of both animals together was cooperative and although I was glad they were kept separate from us humans, I acknowledged that they could if they wanted to, jump the divider to get to us. Both the ions and the tigers were very interested in all of us but not in an aggressive way, just in a natural way where they may or may not have eaten us has they been given the chance. It was interesting and energetic to me not scary at all. I discussed how much I enjoyed it with others in my dream I was not familiar with, even speaking about the name of the place saying I liked it, just before I was awoken.
I had a dream a couple of nights ago that I was visiting a freind and they had a lion as a pet I remember being scared and standofish but the lion was interested in me and was rubbing against me wanting me to pat it. I started patting the lion and he was really freindly he was so happy he was licking me and that when he was licking me it tickled and made me laugh the more i laughed the more the lion licked me. I went over the next day too my freinds house and it was the same thing again and this happened the rest of the time i went visiting this freind. It got to the stage when i went and visited i wasn’t scared and was looking forward too go and visit. I just didn’t want the dream too end
Dreamt that i am in santury which is properly protected. There i saw an angry tiger chasing a buffalo but then tiger stopped and ran towards the barb wires on someone else. I could see tears rolling down of buffalo.
I saw a group of tigers and lions attacking together to a animal.I cant remember what type of animal was that. I was inside a building and watching the incident from the rooftop.I was hiding and peeking from building.
Help me find the meaning of this dream
what is strange is it started off with just 1 white tiger that was always calm in my dream. and now a male lion has been showing up with the white tiger from time to time. not sure what this means. maybe something maybe nothing who knows.
I saw a lion from a distance, almost at an equally elevated night. I am on the second floor kind of on a balcony. Moving from one room to the other after preparing a bed for one of my fierce enemies at work. The Lion saw me and looked like it was coming for me but would have to go over a very high corrugated iron fence if it can. Whilst thinking of running to my bedroom instead and sure that I would make it I saw a leopard nearby. So I went back into the empty room I was in and Just I licked the door, it came through the window and landed. I again just stretched my arm to unlock . It just looked at my direction as if it did not spot me yet and showed no immediate intend to attack me. I woke up
I dreamed I was walking in the woods or jungle to my mom house as I was walking I seen my self surrounded by lions they didn’t attack me but was watching me then I seen a black panther as I walked to my moms door inside the kitchen was a furry tail then I heard my grandbaby saying grandma come here I said what wrong she said I dknt know …
Then I woke up
I was in my bed in the afternoon, my boyfriend was outside . I heard heavy foot step in the room, but I was along. I look under the bed and a white little spider was walking on the carpet, I was both shock at the noise it made and that it turn around and went back into the closet, at that time a larger white spider came out and did the same thing.
Then a baby cub lion came out and walk outside by bed and then underneath the bed, back into the closet. When the larger she lion came out, she circled outside the bed and instead of going underneath, she climbed up onto my bed sniff my feet and leg and walk back into the closet.
I dreamt I was at the gate of my house and a tiger was trying to enter, it kept growling lowly as if pleading me to enter many people have come and enterered but he only wants to see me and I didn’t let it enter for a time but when it entered it hugged me.. the dream ended after that.. it was a normal coloured tiger the yellow one with black strips
In my dream, I got to a rural house and there was a black tiger. When the tiger saw me, he acted like a happy dog, walked towards me and, standing on two legs, hugged me.
In another dream, I was in my house, and a tame tiger was walking besides me in the corridor, like cats use to do. I was patting his ribcage.
What do those dreams mean? Some kind of protection?
I dreamed of a lioness and a male tiger. They were walking around my parent’s neighborhood at night. (They don’t live near a zoo). The lioness was following the tiger. I called 911 and the operator asked me if the tiger’s stripes were horizontal or vertical. I said lady it’s a tiger it’s stripes don’t matter. So neighbors kept going out and running back in to their homes to look at and flee from the couple. I remember locking the handle on the door in case a the lioness or tiger got close so they wouldn’t be able to accidentally open the door. After o did this I saw the lioness and tiger charge up my neighbor’s driveway so I ran out to take a look. Once the door closed I realized I was locked out. The tiger began to charge me from a few houses down and I jumped on top of a parked car in the driveway and then I woke up.
I dreamed I was at a house I used to own that was on 5 acres in Dover Plains, NY. It was up located on a dirt road on a mountain. I have seen wild cat, bear, many of dear on the property when I lived there in ’99. So I took a walk down the dirt road and saw a lioness it saw me and was fixated It was at the top of a hill on top of a rock wall it turned and stepped towards me, looking hungry. I new I couldn’t out run the beast so I climbed up on the rock wall and charged towards it with rage on my face and screamed aloud, As I got a few feet away it turned away jumped off the wall to the right and I jumped off on the left side. Then as I started back to my house I saw 2 Bengal Tigers and they stared and I just kept walking, not towards them but off the road. then I came across another tiger this one had square markings on its back. Talking to someone I don’t remember who they told me that someone a neighbor let 9 tigers/lion out on our mountain road..Then I was back on my property and starting fixing a hot tub ….woke up soon after.
i had three dreams in one night
first i dream that i lost my bicycle while trying to go to work to some thief
secondly i dream i saw a tiger/ lion walking towards me and sombody later came to stop the tiger from aproaching me
finally i dreamed dat i was having a shower in a bathroom..
all these dream happened the same night.pls what are the meaning of these dreams
i had three dreams in one night
first i dream that i lost my bicycle while trying to go to work to some thief
secondly i dream i saw a tiger/ lion walking towards me and sombody later came to stop the tiger from aproaching me
finally i dreamed dat i was having a shower in a bathroom..
all these dream happened the same night.pls what are the meaning of these dreams
I had a few dreams. My first dream started with me being in a cemetary near water. Beautiful scenery. was walking around when things started shaking that’s when I seen a wall of water coming my direction but it never collapsed. It was just suspended mid air near me. Afterwards I ended up in a dark place. No scenery not sure if I was in a builidng and that’s when I saw the tigers. They were roaming loose no cage or restraints. At first I was a little scared but realized they did not want to hurt me so I was not afraid anymore. It felt like they were my pets. They were friendly and not aggressive. But would become aggressive if someone else showed their agresive side. Which is why I was worried they would get loose and may hurt someone. That was the only fear I felt. Then came a lion brushed up against me to be petted. Same feeling as the tigers. I was not afraid. I was just trying to keep them in the area we were at.
Last night i saw a group of tigers and lions.. They come near a group of people (am not sure whether i was in that group or not. But i felt the emotions of people strongly ) as lions and tigers approached us, we all started panicking and a bit of screaming too and trying to run away.. We even got touched by their bodies . They were rubbing their bodies with each other.. While running away ( it was me or someone else i dont know) my foot got in a lion/tiger’s mouth. After a moment i saw that their is no injury not even a scratch on my foot when it comes out from his/her mouth.. Their was a sudden feeling of realization that they were harmless.. And i woke up..
I dreamt that I was in my class and our teacher was teaching us something then school gets over and me and my friend were going home and on the way my friend tells me that a boy (who studied with us long time back but now I kind of forgot about him) likes me and then I go home and talk with my dad about something more like agree with him on something then the next moment I am in my room talking with an animal and I don’t know exactly what animal it was it was kind of a saber toothed tiger but more healthy and furry and strong but it’s teeth was projecting from the lower jaw and pointed upward and was white with some touch of black in colour. I was calling him Leo and he was my friend I have never seen him before but when I dreamt I felt like I have known him since forever he was more like my brother and he was saying me something or giving me some advice which I don’t remember and when I asked him how am I supposed to do it he just went out from the window saying I will have to figure that out myself and I was calling after him to come back but he just vanished not forever it was like he said when you need me I’ll be there but right now I have to go.
I was laying down ( in the dream) then I started to pull my hand away and it was inside of a lion or tigers mouth. The strange thing is I could NOT SEE what had my hand. But I could hear the animal growl and hit my hand with it’s paw. It wasn’t hurting me but of course I wanted it to release my hand. Then I became aware that I was laying on top of the animal BUT WAS STILL UNABLE TO SEE THE ANIMAL … IT WAS WEIRD.
OK so the part I remember was seeing white tigers small and big not in cages but they were put inside pens like you would lput a baby in to play, but in my dream they were called lions and I know that I wasn’t happy about the fact that they were locked up as they should be free but I looked at them but no aggression from their side.
It’s confusing seeing white tigers but being called lions.
Also not sure if it means anything that my moon sign is leo and we currently in keo season
Thank you
Hey. So the part I remember in my dream. I saw White(with black spots) tigers/lion(CAT FAMILY), about 5 or 6 ,tied up to a Post, and waiting to be slaughtered to be eaten as meat, and I think I saw some other similar Wild animals (Also Whitish in colour) . Please what does it entail? Thanks🙂..
I dreamt that a white little girl toddler age was wandering in the woods that had lions in it. About 2-3 lions were walking around and playing with each other. Well I happened to get to the little girl then ended up finding this white woman crying who I thought the child belonged to but the lady said the child wasn’t hers but she was trying to save the child too but was so afraid of the lions that she drove away without the child & was waiting for the child to come out of the other side of the woods. So the child & I got into the car with the white lady then a car full of black men in black suits & black sunshades rolled up & shot the lady dead then tried to shoot me but missed. In my mind, I wanted to speed off in the car away from the men but instead a gun appeared in my hand and I shot & killed about 2-3 of the men then the alive men drove off.
I have never had a dream like that ever about shooting & killing someone or have ever handled a gun in my waking life.
I dreamt, I was walking to a house up the hill and a lion and lioness strolling by the house. I went inside and closed the door but found bolt or latch to secure it and suddenly the lion came and started pawing at the door and I holding the against his force and screaming at him to go away. Suddenly the next moment I am sitting on a chair and many tigers are sleeping around me. One tiger sat by my feet with his heat on my lap and I am petting him. Then I saw three tiger cubs. One slightly bigger then the two who were like newborn. Milk drip their mouth as they cry, and I am trying to picking them up and putting them together.
I dreamt, I was walking to a house up the hill and a lion and lioness strolling by the house. I went inside and closed the door but found no bolt or latch to secure it and suddenly the lion came and started pawing at the door and I am holding the door against his force and screaming at him to go away. Suddenly the next moment I am sitting on a chair and many tigers are sleeping around me. One tiger sat by my feet with his head on my lap and I am petting him lovingly. Then I saw three tiger cubs. One slightly bigger then the other two, who were like newborn. Milk dripped from their mouth as they cry, and I am picking them up and putting them together.
Hello, I dreamt that a lion came running to me. I changed my direction and was afraid but then the lion did not harm me, he cane after me and started licking me as a cat.
Hi, Last night I dreamed there were 2 adult tigers and an adult male lion in my home, almost like they were pets, The Lion was upstairs under a bed grooming my 6 month old nephew, while the tigers were downstairs in dog crates. I let them out of the crates and outside like I would my dogs. The tigers then proceeded to run down my street near my neighbor’s house and animal control tranquilizer them with dart guns and loaded them in to a trailer( the tigers were very passive, almost friendly the whole dream) I was upset about this in the dream. I went back into my house. The lion still licking and nudging my 6 mo nephew under the bed like he was the Lions cub. I began to become very worried for my nephew and brought it up to my brother and sister-in-law who were in the upper floor in the house. They began arguing with me over the baby’s safety. Then I woke up. Can someone please explain what this means.
I dreamt that I was seated in the house alone, then overall sudden lions, lioness, tigers and their cubs came in. They sat peacefully in front of me and at the sides. They are all slept apart from one that came to lick my hand from behind. I was frightened by the cub licking me but I didn’t move and seeing the wild cats sleep felt safe. Can someone please explain what this dream means.
I was going through a forest… suddenly I was on a top of tree and I realised I am in a forest and I was praying no not today I will see a lion or a tiger. But then I see a lion on an another branch straight coming in my direction. I freeze. I was getting scared. But the lion just growled lightly and didn’t do anything. But then again I saw many lions tigers cheetahs downside me and someone comes and tell me let’s go quietly.. I am going beside them I am scared for my life but also it’s like i know it has happened before they will not do anything to me. They just roam beside me. It’s very complicated. I always see lions or tigers in my dreams afraid they will harm me. I run I try to escape sometimes crying but always I end up safe somehow . At the end nothing happens to me they don’t harm me. Either they don’t smell me or they just pass by. I am frustrated with these dreams I don’t understand.
I dreamt of a tiger by my side and we were chasing the lion but it was not scary instead the lion looked back at me and was sad, and we tried to catch him but he just went away after looking back once.
A tiger was hunting and eating a group of mountain lions in the forest.. then a group of little kids got really close to the tiger while he eat a mountain lion and I was watching everything from a distance I kept yelling at the kids not too get to close but they stood there suddenly the kids were gone then tiger appeared again with more mountain lions to feast on..
I keep dreaming I’m walking in a veld and seeing lions and tigers everywhere and everytime I see one , I run until I get to the top of a wired fence and then see monkeys cheering me on.
I was in the house with my auntie which is deceased my mom and everyone was there. The lion came from out of no where. I said something to it and it came at me. So I started screaming to everyone that a lion was in here. My aunt which was a warrior in our family got up out of bed and came looking. I was right behind her then I got in front of her to show her and the lion turned into a tiger. The tiger was calm and felt like it was suppose to be there. I didn’t feel threatened nor scared then I woke up.
last night i was having a dream about playing with some old friends from my past in a natural water park where the slides were made of trees and the water was just a big spotty pond area like a marsh or swamp with no trees. eventually i remember me getting ahead of my friends in this beautiful natural water park and i saw a dirt mound that had a object on it, well when i got close enough to see what it was it was a sleeping female lion and it woke up and bit me then went back to sleep and i ran from it. that was the end of the dream sounds funny kinda but thats what happened and ive been recently going threw an incredibly rough time with alot of different things im not really 100% on how im suppose to use this but i think i have some ideas. either its telling me to start standing up being more assertive or well idk.