Normally, the dreams where deer appear (unless something bad happens to them during it) have very positive connotations. This animal is related to some intrinsic characteristics in people such as tenderness, compassion and even beauty (inside and out).
Often refers to the female of each part, whether you’re male or female. In contrast, according to the aspect of it, depending mainly on their horns, it can also have a close meaning to manhood.
It is important to try to realize your dream if you felt (or not) identified with the deer, if you saw yourself how the deer.
The fact that the deer is black is interpreted as your form of rejecting the feminine side of you. For some reason, in the face of others, you hide your most sensitive and displays only a tough facade. The same is the significance of killing a deer in dreams.
If you dream that we know how bambi, deer still small, and you identify with it, means that you feel very vulnerable to someone, you think they could hurt you if you open up too much, so you take precautions.
You have dreamed of deer and you need us help you with an interpretation? Tell us what you remember!
Hi, I am going through a divorce with four children. I had a dream that I feel is trying to prepare me in some way. The dream is as follows:
I am downstairs in my house and it is nighttime and there is a snake by the back door. I feel want to get the snake out of the house, but I don’t want to kill it. I am able to do so successfully but I don’t want the snake to return. I ask a person that is there (I can only hear the voice, I can’t see a physical body) how to get rid of the snake for good. The voice says to go outside and take the paper (which is actually a white cloth) and remove it from the premises. I go outside into the yard and pick up the paper (white cloth) and there are several holes that seem to be snake burrows underneath it. One big and 4 little ones. I say to the voice, there are more snakes, the voice says take the paper and remove it from your yard. I ball it up and walk beyond the fence and throw the paper (white cloth) into the wind and it disappears. I walk back into the yard and I know that the snakes are no longer a threat.
I walk back into the house and it is immediately daytime and my 4 boys are running around the house playing. Four different baby animals keep trying to come into my home and I am concerned about the safety of my children. Each time the animal attempts to come in, I very calmly push it out of the door by pushing its head and forcing it backwards…the animals are always sliding backwards out of the door as if they are resisting. The four animals are: baby deer, baby cougar, baby ram and a baby rhino. The baby cougar I do a good job of keeping out of the house and he paws at me at one point because he can’t get in. The baby rhino at one point bumps into my youngest son who begins to cry and my second oldest picks him up to ensure him it will be okay as I push the baby rhino back out of the house. The baby deer and ram never cause a commotion of any sort (except their resistance when I push them out of the door). Each time the baby animals enter, it is only one at a time and the situation doesn’t feel life threatening, I just feel an urgency to keep them away from my children.